Career Planning
Career Planning
Prosperity for All is an empowering program created to break the cycle of poverty. We guide lower-income adults to provide better lives for your dependents, so your entire family can build a more successful future together.
The program may be right for you if you have dependents and your household income is up to double the income listed in the federal poverty guidelines.
Here’s how we’ll work together:
We’ll help you explore your goals for your future, making sure we understand any barriers that may be preventing you from reaching your goals. Some examples are lack of safe housing, transportation, childcare, or a high school diploma.
Next we’ll make sure you are taking advantage of all the programs that are available to overcome barriers to let you focus on developing the career you want.
If you need education and training, our educational partners will help you prepare the career that best suits your interests.
As you progress, we’ll stay with you to set new goals and build upon your successes.
Thanks to your dedication, you’ll begin a career that offers you and your family greater independence and self-sufficiency.